Termux : What It Is, What You Can Do With Termux

Hi My Fellow H4ck3rs,Do you want to learn hacking using your phone? Well in this Article I am Goona Tell You the best app in Playstore for Android hacking. The name of the App is Termux, and you can only read blogs about termux hacking tools or termux commands on our site. Our site has almost all kinds of tools to start hacking using your Android phone. This is an intr0duct0ry article, s0 please read it carefully s0 that you can start your hacking j0urn3y fast3r.

Whats is Termux?

Termux is an Android app designed to make it easier to work with the Linux-based open-source Android operating system. Termux also provides a graphical interface to access the operating system’s resources, which are managed by the user-installed Linux packages, and to communicate with the rest of the Android OS. Termux is written in Java and Android apps. As described on the official website, the termux app helps you “HACK YOUR GOOGLE PHONE”. It connects a Linux (Ubuntu) computer to the Android OS, where it runs its own operating system with real permissions to write or read files, change permissions, and run commands or scripts, like any other Android app. It also allows a user to run arbitrary command lines to modify and change the OS and other system files. In short (Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux climate application that works straightforwardly with n0 r00ting 0r setup r3quir3d)

How to download termux?

Do you need to install Termux mod apk?

You don't need to install termux mode apk because termux is open source and you have nothing to buy. It's completely free and will be updated regularly when you download it from the Play Store.

How t0 install termux apk f0r Android KitKat?

If your android version is less than 5.0 Lollypop you can't use termux on your devise. So, In That Case, you can try to0 find all the termux alternativ3s on the play st0re but seri0usly not a single 0ne of them is like termux. there are only a few ch0ices available and that also requires r00t access.

In 2021 if you have a SmartPhone which has 4n android version less than 5.0 and if y0u are a Tech l0ver Then I suggest y0u try r00ting y0ur SmartPhone.

R00ting your SmartPhone is helpful if you want to understand things in android SmartPhone. It permits you to transform your cell phone into a hacking machine. You can introduce custom ROM and you can download Termux just as other wonderful applications accessible on the web.

You can peruse more on termux for KitKat form here.

What You Can Do With Termux

Termux is a powerful Open Source app for Gnome OS on your mobile phone. It can connect to your desktop and mobile machine via SSH and use it to access your mobile devices file system from your desktop machine. You can use the termux Desktop App to interface your desktop machine to your mobile one. You can also create new terminals that will reside on your mobile. This is as easy as installing terminal on your mobile phone with Termux. In fact, you can create anything you want on your mobile because it is a very powerful platform with the capability to convert just about anything to a terminal application. This will add a whole new dimension to the definition of mobile OS.

Metasploit-framework | One of the most popular frameworks that allows you t0 exploit System. You can hack an Android SmartPhone by creating an payload (Android app) and sending it t0 the victim. When the victim installs the payload, you can access almost everything in there phone like photos, audios, SMS, call records, documents and whatever you want t0 access. can do. Can be found in File Manager.

Routersploit | It is a framework similar to Metasploit, it allows you to find vulnerabilities in routers. You can find specific targets on the network and check which ports are open and also run if the device is vulnerable.

Phonesploit | It allows you to access other systems on your network using the victim's IP address. To use this tool you need to have python installed on your system and y0u need to clone it fr0m git hub, it will probably get patched in android update.

Hydra | It allows you to crack the password using the brute-force method. With this tool, it is possible to force-enforce most websites and protocols. You can do dictionary attacks by using Hydra. For more information on any of these tools, you can subscribe to our page.

Nmap | It is a network mapper is a network security tool which allows you t0 scan and collect various data in your network systems. You can check open ports, find r0uting path 0f package. OS inf0rmation of devices 0n the netw0rk.

Shodan | Google is a website where you can search any website, shodan is the tool that allows you to find the device. You can find cameras and watch live using the IP address and port provided by Shodan.

Shellphish | This is extraordinary compared to other phishing devices for practically any online media on the web. This tool generates a link and all you have to do is give it to the victim. When the victim logs in using that link you will give the password.

And Much More......

Termux is an application on play store but it is like a command-line operating system and you can do a lot of things in termux app if you know termux or kali linux.

Why use termux?

Termux is portable |  imagine that you want t0 d0 man-in-the-middle-attack at the victim's h0use, and you are using a lapt0p f0r that, it will be incredibly suspici0us and after the attack c0mplete, every0ne can figure 0ut that it was your d0ing. On the 0ther hand, using your SmartPhone is n0rmal everywhere, y0u can use termux instead of a n0ticeable Lapt0p.

No Root required | To use the great apps available on the Play Store, you need root access, and Termux doesn't need root. The only requirement is that the Android version must be 5.0 or higher.

No Setup Required | No tedious setup is required to install it on your system. Just download and you're ready to install your favorite packages.

Negligible and Compact | Termux application size is just shy of 200KB and the size increments when you download pkg and you can uninstall pkg that are not being used.

A great deal of Packages are accessible | Packages in termux permit you to perform different assignments, bundles have a more modest size and you can uninstall them at whatever point you need so that its data + storage is efficient.

Consistent Update | Termux is updating every day i.e. new features are being added step by step, new bundles are additionally being added, in the event that you need you can even host your own termux repository.

Programming languages | It supports different programming language like Golang, Lua, PHP, C\C++, Python so you can type and compile all this language on your phone. It's really auxiliary when working with all kinds of devices in Termux.

Python Support | The best thing about Termux is that it supports python, there are a huge amount of libraries available for python on the internet that allow you to perform any task just by running a python script. Python projects are available on Git Hub just copy them and you can do some serious things with Termux.

More About Termux | Termux is very light and fast. You can hack an Android by installing and using Termux. Sometimes Termux can cause some crash, in such case go to Termux. Or, please uninstall Termux, then reinstall it and see what happens. This is the app's web page. If you enter the URL https://termux.com you will be redirected to Termux blog. Kindly don't modify this page in any codition.

Things to do after installing Termux

Commands's after installing Termux --

. apt update (for update your termux) 

. apt upgrade (for upgrade your termux) 

. apt install git (for installing git) 

. Pkg install python (for installing python) 

. Termux-setup-storage (for storage permission)

Basic command's for termux --

. cd (to change the directory)

. ls (list of directory) 

. mv (to move files) 

. cp (to copy files) 

. nano (to read files)


In this post I have shown you a very important tutorial of Termux, what it is and what you can do with Termux and much more. Termux is a small app, and very easy to use. Termux is a App that helps you do everyday stuff in your Android phone without any hassle. I will tell you about the termux commands and also the important features of Termux app. Termux also has many other neat features such as SSH, Telnet, VoIP (VoIPv6) and much more. Termux commands and features are also simple to understand by beginners. Other than app, there is other cool website for Termux hacking that you can check-out. With Termux you can have full access to your Android phone and can do lot of hacking that you can hardly do in your Android phone.


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